Les Géminides

Метеорный поток Геминиды в Приморском краеPRIMORYE TERRITORY, RUSSIA. DECEMBER 14, 2015. Meteors streak across the night sky over the Galenki RT-70 radio telescope at a Kvant-D command and measurement complex which is part of the Titov Main Space Test Centre.

Метеорный поток Геминиды в Приморском краеPRIMORYE TERRITORY, RUSSIA. DECEMBER 14, 2015. Meteors streak across the night sky over the Galenki RT-70 radio telescope at a Kvant-D command and measurement complex which is part of the Titov Main Space Test Centre.

Yuri Smityuk/TASS

Région du Primorié, Russie. Pluie d'étoiles filantes

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